The 108th Devil Hunter Yohko is Here!
Hey Guess What!
I now have the words to ALL of the song in "Devil Hunter Yohko 4-ever"Isn't that so cool?
Well, anyway, if you want to go and see, go down to where Yohko and Azusa are in great need of a sewing machine. Ja Ne!!!
This is Yohko's cousin Ayako Mano. She may look like Yohko, but believe me, that's ALL they have in common.

This is Yohko.
She's a little on the dizzy side of her family. A trait she aquired from her mother, I'm sure of it. But when she has to get down to business, she's there 100%
This is a great shot of Yohko, and her good friend, and fellow Devil Hunter, Azusa.
Songs from Devil Hunter Yohko 4-Ever!

The beginning, and the end. Haruka Mano, the first Devil Hunter, and Yohko and Azusa, the 108th generation.
Come on and have some hot chocoa.

Why'd Azusa get to drive?
At the studio, *AGAIN*. I just can't seem to get these lines right.
If I'm lucky, a really cute guy will want to pick me up, and want to run away with me...

Now I know how Marylin Monroe felt.
You can go back to Yoake's Main Hall through here.