Note From Yoake Halo
Konnichi wa Minna!!!! Yoake here. I just wanted to let you know what’s going on with my stories and whatnot before I have a very angry dragon who shall remain nameless…
(Tatsu) after me for leaving her hanging.
But first, I’d like to thank everyone who has been reading my little Ronin Warriors fics. I take a lot of pride in my work, and let’s face it, there’s a lot of competition out there in the big bad net.
Okay, the first story in the line that I’ve written is "Child of Piety" which is about Ogawa Tama, a.k.a. Sehkmet’s daughter. Well, that story is written, and done… I just have to get it all typed out… hehe… it’s all because I don’t have a computer. Typing takes time that I really don’t have. So, don’t worry, it’ll get put up.
Now, the other girls in the story, Son Kyoko, Douji Anya, and Shinguji Chiyo, all have their own story. Well, Chi and Anya share a story, but you get the idea.
Okay, now, that only leaves my new fave bad girl, Nariko!!!!!!! She has two stories of her own. One of the stories explains her past, and how she comes into Talpa’s service. The next one is the next story that I’m putting up… "The Ice Maiden Nariko" and that one tells a lot about her future with the Ronins (especially Ryo).
Now, here’s where the warning comes in. All of the stories over lap, so, each story is a spoiler for another. There’s too many things that I have to cover in each chapter, and each story for me to post up little warnings about what spoiler is where…. So, I hate to sound rude, but you have been warned.
Lots of Love, Happiness, and Big Smiles!!!!!
Yoake Halo!